A Murder of Crows
A variety a works inspired by the black bird
A variety a works inspired by the black bird
My muse for many years, the black crow has inspired a variety of works created as etchings, paintings and drawings.

Did I say crows? Sometimes I call them Ravens. Depends on how the wind is blowing.
This is a 12 x 12 inch linoleum print.
This is a 12 x 12 inch linoleum print.

Tree Worship. A small wood engraving. 4 x 5 inches.

He With The Sun in His Mouth, side one. An accordion book created from sketches scanned into Photoshop and textures added. Folder to final size of 4 x 6 inches. Total length is 24 inches.

This crow landed in my yard, I snapped a photo, drew it, cut it and printed it. Linocut print on Canson light gray PM paper. 22 x 30 with a deckled edge.

Dialog. Installation of 20 etchings (9 x 12 inches each). Can you hear them?.